Wednesday, December 3, 2014

27 Days of Thanks

It's November.  The month to be thankful for everything in your life, and life in general.  Granted, you should be thankful for all of these things everyday, every month, all the time, but we all know people make it more public in November.   I am going to list one thing I am thankful for everyday until Thanksgiving and then post this at the end of the month.  Enjoy and be THANKFUL ALWAYS!

I am thankful for...

  1. My family.  Cliche'? Yes, but I am.  They are amazing.
  2. My pets.  
  3. My Home.  
  4. Living in a country that we are allowed to have opinions, and are able to choose our own future.  GO VOTE!
  5. Big sweatshirts.
  6. Fresh flowers.
  7. Vacations.  
  8. Garth Brooks.  No explanation needed.
  9. Getting home to my own bed--even though the one at the hotel was WAY more comfy.
  10. My sister.
  11. Our Veterans.  Thank you to all of those who have served and fought for us!
  12. My winter coat---BRRR
  13. My heated blanket---again...BRRR!
  14. Fridays!
  15. Weekends full of absolutely NO plans.
  16. God!
  17. Tacos--specifically Lomitas :)
  18. Farmers.---- Love you Dad.
  19. My new penguin fleece socks. :)
  20. Music. 
  21. My health, and my family's health.
  22. My job.
  23. My husband.
  24. Christmas trees!
  25. COFFEE!!!
  26. The simple fact that I live in IOWA aka the BEST state ever! :)
  27. Holidays that all my family gets together and enjoying their company!
So much to be thankful for these days!!

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