Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Resolutions

Yes, this is a cliche' New Year's Resolution list, but I wanted to make some serious goals for this year.  I know I say every year that I have at least one goal, but I never write them down, and they aren't usually stuck to (lets be real, its just like most peoples resolutions).

This year for some reason felt different.  I am getting older (NOT OLD), just older, and with that comes certain things that I want to accomplish.  Life is too short to regret things, and because of that, I think we all should make a conscious effort to be the best people we can possibly be.  Now, that can be physically, emotionally, financially, etc.,  I have a few goals in all of these categories.

I think it is important to be clear, concise and specific with your goals.  Setting a generic goal (Ex. I want to lose weight!), is not specific, and because of that, it is much easier to just forget about it and let it go. If you say "I want to lose weight!", a week later you could say, "I lost 1 pound, so technically I kept to my resolution!? Go me, lets celebrate with pizza!!!".  NO.

Now, if losing 1 pound is your resolution, that is fine!, but say that specifically and write it down somewhere! "My goal for 2015: I want to lose 1 pound by _________."--Much more specific and easier to hold yourself accountable.

Be realistic with your goals.  Everyone wants to save money, but saying you want to save for a house and purchase it with cash by the end of the year is not realistic for most of us.  I wish it could be, but its not! (Good for you that could do that!) You aren't going to reach your goals overnight, and maybe not even within the year, but you have to start working towards it NOW! Things take time, and anything worth doing, is going to take extra time!  Saying you are going to save for half of a down payment on a house is much more realistic!

With all that being said, here is what I would like to accomplish in 2015!  May it be the best year yet for all of us!!

1.  Reach my goal weight.  (Me, myself and I are the only ones who need to know this) :)
2.  Put an extra $25.00 a week into the savings account.
3.  Stick to the budget that Jake and I have set up for ourselves.
4.  Workout at least 4 days a week.
5.  Blog at least 4 days a week!

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