Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tip Tuesday--Mascara Ooops!

We have all been there.  You have a beautiful smoky eye happening and that perfect winged liner and then you go to put your mascara on and BAM, pretty black smudges/dots on your lid and or below your bottom lashes!  SO frustrating!

No worries, I have your simple solution!

Right after it happens, our first reaction is GET RID OF IT! ASAP!, but thats is the worst thing you could possibly do!

(Please excuse the cheesy photography!)
Obviously I normally don't get mascara on my cheek, but I wanted to make sure you saw it!

STOP, and wait till it dries!

Once it is dried just take a q-tip and softly rub it on the smudges!  Voila'! Perfect make-up once again!

Your welcome!

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